DamselFly Magic
Healing Arts
Messages from the Divine
Snippets from Divine Light Meditations
These were recorded from LIVE Guided Meditations
Being the Light
Message from Goddess Isis
If ever you feel your heart is breaking, there is nothing to fear - I will put you back together.
Above all things your heart is precious.
This is the Gold that you bring from life to life to life.
This is the center of you. This is where your soul resides as it carries you through each life.
Yes, your heart has been broken many times, not just in this life, but in many lifetimes, but it will never stay broken. It is always reconstructed and comes back stronger and reinforced allowing more new light and energy to enter.
Gathering Light
The magical energy that enables us to manifest joy in our lives is REAL !
The power of pure, Divine Light can raise us out of any feelings of lower vibrations.
YOU are like a magnet, attracting the energy you are looking for.
The magical, sparkling light we feel in our lives, manifests from the frequency that begins in our hearts and then spreads throughout our bodies and into our auras. The source of this field is conscious, pure heart love. The choices we make each and every moment determine how full and radiant this energetic field is.
Sit in the middle of your energy field and create the life you want!
The pure love and joy you’re projecting outward is all around you, and that’s what’s going to come back to you! This is a natural law of the Universe.
Creating Your Reality
We really can create the frequency we wish to feel. Would you like to dissolve into a space of pure tranquility, peace, bliss and comfort?
Allow yourself to travel back in your mind’s eye to a time and place where you felt a complete sense of being loved, whole, safe and free.
Allow your eyes to close, and follow your breath deeply into your vessel. As you travel inward, experience how the soft, warm, drifting sensations of unending love and trust feels.
Consciously plant this frequency into your being. Invite yourself to ride this constant wave of expansive bliss.
This radiant energy resides within the shores of your soul; know that you can tap into it at any time. Feel this energy anchor in you, and let it take you home.
Recorded Meditations
Divine Light Meditation - 13 min
This meditation was recorded from a live Thursday Guided meditation with Channeled Healing energy for all participants.
3rd Eye Awakening Meditation - 24 min
Intuition may seem like magic, but it is actually an innate gift hidden within each of us. Travel with me thru this Guided Meditation to connect with your inner knowing. Ask your 3rd Eye to join you in your Spiritual Journey! Now is the time to awaken! Be blessed. Feel into your own inner wisdom. Sit in the sacred space of peace and knowing. Namaste
I Am... Chakra Support Meditation
- 20 min
This meditation (in English) is designed to connect you to each of your major chakras and in so doing, create a space of self-love, nurturing and support.