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Transforming Money into Sacred Exchange

Please take a moment to read my philosophy of "FEES" based on "LOVE EXCHANGE".
I see that while money is a form of energy,

often this payment is not thought of as a form of an exchange of love and gratitude, but as a debt.

So I ask people to take an extra step in their own spiritual development by actively feeling into their heart, and reciprocating with the energy of the amount they are guided to give.
I realize for some, this may be new and difficult.


               So I extend as a guide that most healers offering the services I provide,  usually ask: 

 Healing or Clearing Session
$150-$190 per session

$40-$60 each class
 Soul Galactic
$180-$230 per session

 My community service events - Meditations & Reiki/Energy Shares - are not fee-based, but a small sacred exchange is welcome.


I realize that each of us occupies a unique space on the economic spectrum and accept with gratitude the amount that is best for you. 

I hope that this transformed view of the flow of money as an exchange of love, will help lift us toward a higher consciousness in how we live.

AFTER you have received a Healing, Clearing, Single class or Segment of  Training, ​please submit your Love Exchange. 

                                                                                                                          Thank You.

To Schedule a Healing  or Clearing Session:

1. Submit this contact form to connect with  Pat and schedule an appointment.

Connect with Pat

Thank You for Your Interest in My Work

2. After receiving an email from Pat with a confirmed date and time for your appointment, click  "BUY NOW" to submit a non-refundable $75 deposit to reserve your appointment.
     * You have a 10 minute grace window if you are running late.
     ** If you have an unexpected conflict, you can reschedule with 24 hours notice prior to your appointment. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Click only 1 time.

Each time you click, it is an additional payment.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Click only 1 time.

Each time you click, it is an additional payment.

3. After your session, click "DONATE"  and enter the amount you would like to exchange for the service you received. The deposit will be counted toward the full amount of your sacred exchange. For example, if you wish to reciprocate $170, you would click the "donate" button and enter $95.

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